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Day lily, soybean, eel help control blood sugar

2019-02-20 11:19

Some foods not only raise blood sugar slowly, but also have certain hypoglycemic effects. There are three kinds of yellow foods that are good dietary choices for diabetics.

Daylily Daylily contains protein, dietary fiber and vitamins, which have the effect of nourishing blood and calming the liver, calming the nerves. The dietary fiber in day lily is an ideal substance for the treatment of diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Daylily has high nutritional value, and it also has the effect of lowering serum cholesterol. People with diabetes who have high blood pressure can eat more daylily. It should be noted that day lily contains more crude fiber and should be eaten with caution by patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

Soybean Soybean contains a large amount of plant protein, unsaturated fatty acid, and trace elements, which have the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying and nourishing qi. Soybeans contain a lot of dietary fiber and have a low glycemic index, which can delay the body's absorption of sugar and help reduce blood sugar. Soy lecithin in soybeans can promote the secretion of insulin in the body, and soybeans contain inhibiting pancreatic enzymes, which are effective for diabetes.

Yellow eel contains a lot of high-quality protein and vitamin A, which has the effect of nourishing qi and blood, nourishing liver and kidney. Eel contains eel A and eel B, which can lower blood sugar and regulate blood sugar. It is an ideal food for people with diabetes. People with diabetes and hyperlipidemia can eat more; patients with bronchial asthma, lymph node and cancer should eat with caution.